Storage and Data Flow

Storage and Data Flow#

When talking about concepts like storage at Inductiva, there are 3 levels you need to consider:

Local Storage: this is the storage of your local machine, from where you are typically writing Python scripts that call the Inductiva API. Inductiva does not have direct access to this storage. However, the API has primitives that allow you to exchange information from your local storage to your Personal Remote Storage (see below).

Personal Remote Storage: this is a folder that lives on Inductiva cloud storage that is exclusively dedicated to you, and can only be accessed by you. We use this space both to store input files that you submit via the API (typically when you call the run() method of a simulator object), and to share with you the potentially large output files generated by the simulators you invoke.

Worker Storage: this is the storage that is available on the worker VMs that pick up simulation tasks. This is used to store the input files required for the simulation to run as well as the files produced by the simulation before these get transferred to your Personal Remote Storage. You don’t have direct access to this storage. All communication to your Local Storage needs to be done via your Personal Remote Storage folder.

So, what is the typical flow of that when you invoke a remote simulator using the Inductiva API?

Local Storage#

Let’s start by assuming that somewhere in your local storage, typically in a folder dedicated to your project, you have several files that are required for running the simulation. Usually this data includes one or more files describing the simulation case, and file specifying how the simulator should be parameterized, as well as files describes assets (e.g. 3D shapes, information about chemical compounds, bathymetric profiles, etc) that will be used in or that are themselves the target of the simulation. All this data is input to the simulator software and, of course, will have to be sent to Inductiva machines where the simulator is going to execute. So, the first step in the data flow is to upload all these files to our server. This upload is triggered when you call the run method of the simulator object you are using.

Here is an example. Let us assume you are developing a coastal dynamics study using Reef3D, and you have all the required input files and assets stored in the subdirectory my_input_data_dir located inside your project folder on your local machine. The following piece of code illustrates this situation:

import inductiva

# Instantiate machine group
machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup("c2-standard-4")

# Initialize the simulator object
simulator = inductiva.simulators.REEF3D()

# Invoke the run() method of the simulator object. 
# This will trigger the packing and uploading the data
task ="my_input_data_dir",

# Terminate the machine group

The moment you invoke run() you start the uploading process. The folder my_input_data_dir is zipped and the corresponding zip file is uploaded to Inductiva servers.

You can check what is happening when you invoke a simulator via the API. If you look at the logs produced at you will be able to see a message like this right in the beginning of the process execution:

Task Information:
> ID:                    tc7cwuer45kfzuw8t93r6dxa8
> Method:                swash
> Local input directory: swash-resources-example
> Submitting to the following computational resources:
 >> Default queue with c2-standard-4 machines.
Preparing upload of the local input directory swash-resources-example (160 B).
Local input directory successfully uploaded.
Task tc7cwuer45kfzuw8t93r6dxa8 submitted to the default queue.
Simulation metadata logged to: inductiva_output/task_metadata.json

Personal Remote Storage#

Once the zip file gets to the Inductiva server, it is immediately transferred to your Personal Remote Storage area, under a folder whose name is, by default, the ID for the simulation task you invoked. You can check the contents of your Personal Remote Storage programmatically via the API or by using the CLI. Next, we show how you would be able to check the uploaded zip file using the CLI.

To check your personal storage area, you can do a general listing of the contents with:

$ inductiva storage ls

       NAME                             SIZE          CREATION TIME
       tc7cwuer45kfzuw8t93r6dxa8/       1.53 MB       08 Feb, 14:08:44
       qetbcydbymfg9r3eqri7jbekh/       7.36 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:34
       sk9zbcdkfo0124tw0jvro8if0/       7.36 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:33
       osd7r4onvetxmrxggpohc4wdc/       7.26 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:33
       gpawvd4qbnq36vhy3z0kddj7u/       7.28 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:32
       qtjs7n5xnaixfuhu8jm03xv38/       7.36 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:32
       9e3bgdgwqahrwaxvrk06q5mhn/       7.36 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:31
       5ry5h8q26o0fxqs8mymsy0d7r/       7.27 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:30
       jbxo7dc9pypqxzm53mw0jjk5p/       7.29 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:30
       9uhbxuzy2bqnjyyt4arxheqwc/       7.36 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:29
       i2ge334hdy4kinwvmau5dtwxx/       7.36 MB       08 Feb, 14:07:29

The simulation we have just invoked has the task ID hzgk5ngzk28a39qa7mesv0snk and we can check that its contents were correctly submitted to the server by listing the specific contents of the task folder with:

$ inductiva storage ls tc7cwuer45kfzuw8t93r6dxa8

       NAME             SIZE          CREATION TIME        1.06 KB       08 Feb, 14:08:44
                        0 B           08 Feb, 14:08:44

Once your simulation task gets picked up by a Worker, its input files need to be transferred from your Personal Remote Storage to the corresponding VM. Typically, this VM lives in the same region of the Google Cloud storage, and so moving data is pretty fast.

Worker Storage#

Of course, the receiving VM needs to have enough storage space to execute your simulation. Typically, the input data for a simulation is relatively small. In the example above, the files required to run the simulation only have 1.53 MB. The challenge is the size of the outputs produced by running the simulation, which can easily get to dozens of GB, so VMs need to have large enough disk space installed.

Now, VM storage space can turn out to be pretty expensive, so we allow users to explicitly define the amount of VM storage dedicated to storing the results of the simulation, taking into account what they believe is the reasonable effective and realistic amount needed. The size of the storage in the computational resources is selected in the initialization with the parameter data_disk_gb. Note that when running simulations on the shared pool of resources it is not possible to configure the disk storage, therefore, simulations that may occupy more than the available, 30 GB, will fail.

When the simulation finishes running, the output files are uploaded to the respective task folder in the user’s remote storage and they become available to be downloaded by the user whenever required. When this process finishes the corresponding data in the worker is freed. Therefore, the worker storage only needs to account for a simulation at a time.