
Central to the API’s functionality is the concept of a Task, which is an abstraction that encapsulates all the information about the computational workload you defined as the user. Once you submit a simulation to the API, a Task is generated. This allows for real-time updates on simulation status, including monitoring its progress and retrieving its outputs.

In this reference, you will learn about the entire lifecycle of a Task, including its creation, various operational states, and termination. This information is crucial to understand how the Inductiva API manages simulations.

Task Creation#

A Task is created when you submit a simulation via the API by invoking the run method on a simulator object. Each call to this method, even with identical arguments, generates a unique Task, leading to separate executions of the same simulation.

Here’s an example of how to create a Task by submitting a SpliSHSPlasH simulation to the API:

# Running the SplishSplash simulator example
import inductiva

# Instantiate machine group
machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup("c2-standard-4")

# Download example input files
input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(
    "splishsplash-input-example.zip", unzip=True)

# Instantiate the simulator
splishsplash_simulator = inductiva.simulators.SplishSplash()

# Run the SPlisHSPlasH simulation with the required .json config file
task = splishsplash_simulator.run(input_dir="splishsplash-input-example",
# Example output: i4ir3kvv62odsfrhko4y8w2an

Note that a subsequent call to splishsplash_simulator.run() with the same input arguments would create a new, distinct task:

task2 = splishsplash_simulator.run(input_dir="splishsplash-input-example",
print (task2.id)
# Example output: k9muu1vq1fc6m2oyxm0n3n8y0


Each Task is identified by a unique alphanumeric identifier. While you can instantiate multiple Task objects pointing to the same task using this identifier, this does not duplicate the task on the API. These objects refer to the same underlying task. This mechanism is useful when you want to recreate a Task object to retrieve information about tasks you created in previous sessions:

>>> import inductiva
>>> task1 = inductiva.tasks.Task("i4ir3kvv62odsfrhko4y8w2an")
>>> task2 = inductiva.tasks.Task("i4ir3kvv62odsfrhko4y8w2an")
>>> print(id(task1))
>>> print(id(task2))
>>> print(task1.id)
>>> print(task2.id)
i4ir3kvv62odsfrhko4y8w2an # Outputs the same task ID as task1.id

Task Execution#

Tasks run asynchronously by default, enabling you to continue interacting with the API without interrupting your code in the background, even as tasks run or are queued for execution. This asynchronous model also allows for batch submissions within a single session without waiting for each to complete, with the API efficiently distributing them across available computational resources for parallel processing.

You can configure how to wait for the task to end by either using the wait method or the sync_context manager.


You can turn a task into a blocking call by using the wait method. This method will block the call, allowing your script to wait until the task comes to a terminal status without affecting the remote simulation if it were locally interrupted (ex. the script is abruptly terminated).

This is useful when you want to wait for the completion of a task before proceeding with some other operation (ex. downloading the output files):

# Block the call until the simulation completes
task.wait()  # <- The remote simulation WILL NOT DIE if the local session is
             #    interrupted while waiting for the wait() call to return


Alternatively, you can use the sync_context manager to ensure the remote simulation terminates if your local session is interrupted while waiting for the wait call to return (e.g., through a Ctrl+C command):

# Block the call until the simulation completes
with task.sync_context():
    task.wait()  # <- The remote simulation WILL DIE if the local session is
                 #     interrupted while waiting for the wait() call to return

Task Lifecycle#

The status of a task changes as it progresses through its lifecycle. Understanding these states is crucial if you want to track a task’s progress through the API and manage your simulations effectively.

The following diagram shows the path a task may take through the API, and identifies the relevant states and possible state transitions:

Task state diagram
State diagram of a Task

Below a succinct description of each state, including the actions that lead to a state transition:


After you make your initial simulation request, the newly created task remains in this pending state, awaiting all necessary input files. You can terminate or kill the task, moving it to KILLED, or it may become ZOMBIE if its assigned machine group is terminated. Once you’ve uploaded all the input files, the task progresses to SUBMITTED.


The task is queued and ready to be picked up by an executor. You can cancel the task, moving it to KILLED, or it can become a ZOMBIE under the same conditions as in PENDING INPUT. When an executor picks it up, the task moves to STARTED.


Simulation has started. Upon successful completion, the task transitions to SUCCESS. If it fails due to simulation issues, the task transitions to FAILED,whereas any failure due to executor problems moves the task to EXECUTOR FAILED. You can send a request to kill the task, moving it to PENDING KILLED.


Your request to terminate a running task has been received by the API and is awaiting execution.


The task has been successfully terminated upon your request.


The progression of the non-started task abruptly stops due to the shutdown of the computational resources where the task was running, typically when a machine group is user-terminated.


Spot instances running the task were terminated. In this case, the task is re-queued or SUBMITTED until new resources with the same original machine group become available.


Simulator errors prevent completion, usually due to incorrect input configurations or an internal error within the simulator itself.


The executor was terminated due to internal reasons. Similar to SPOT PREEMPTED, the task is requeued or SUBMITTED for execution.


Similar to KILLED, the task’s executor was terminated by you.


The executor running the task was terminated due to exceeding its maximum time to live.


Executor errors prevent completion, such as low disk space.


The task exceeded its configured time to live, i.e., a limit to the task’s computation time when running in a shared resource.