Running Simulations with Custom Docker Images

Running Simulations with Custom Docker Images#

In this tutorial, we will guide you through running simulations with custom Docker images. This can be particularly useful if you need to use a specific version of software that isn’t available on our Docker Hub. Using this feature, you can run your own Docker image on the platform.

This tutorial will focus on two main points:

  • The simulator you want to use

  • The inputs required by that simulator

CustomImage Simulator#

The CustomImage simulator allows you to specify a container_image pointing to your custom Docker image. Besides the container_image, this simulator accepts a list of commands to run inside the container. These are the only special parameters for this simulator. The rest are the same as other simulators.

Here’s an example of how to use the CustomImage simulator:

import inductiva

input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(
    "", unzip=True)

custom_simulator = inductiva.simulators.CustomImage(container_image="docker://inductiva/kutu:fds_v6.8")

task =, commands=["fds mccaffrey.fds"])


This basic example demonstrates how to run a custom Docker image. To leverage this feature fully, we introduce the Command and MPIConfig classes, which enable you to run commands on MPI clusters supporting multiple MPI versions.

Command and MPIConfig#

In the previous example, commands is a list of strings to be run inside the container. For more advanced usage, such as running a command with a specific MPI version, use the Command and MPIConfig classes. A list of commands can include Command instances, each potentially having an MPIConfig. Here’s an example:

import inductiva

input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(
    "", unzip=True)

custom_simulator = inductiva.simulators.CustomImage(container_image="docker://inductiva/kutu:fds_v6.8")

mpi_config = inductiva.commands.MPIConfig("4.1.6", np=4, use_hwthread_cpus=True)
command = inductiva.commands.Command("fds mccaffrey.fds", mpi_config=mpi_config)

task =, commands=[command])


This example runs four instances of your image with the command fds mccaffrey.fds using MPI version 4.1.6, equivalent to:

mpirun -np 4 -use_hwthread_cpus apptainer run ... fds mccaffrey.fds

Alternatively, you can run MPI directly inside your container with:

import inductiva

input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(
    "", unzip=True)

custom_simulator = inductiva.simulators.CustomImage(container_image="docker://inductiva/kutu:fds_v6.8")

command = inductiva.commands.Command("mpirun -np 4 --use-hwthread-cpus fds mccaffrey.fds")

task =, commands=[command])


This runs:

apptainer run ... mpirun -np 4 -use_hwthread_cpus fds mccaffrey.fds

Ensure the MPI version in your container matches the one specified in MPIConfig. For instance, if your container has OpenMPI 1.10.6, choose a compatible OpenMPI version (like 1.10.7) in MPIConfig.

Currently, we support OpenMPI versions 1.10.7 and 4.1.6. If you need a different version, please contact us.