Reuse Files Across Multiple Simulations#

Running multiple simulations often involves reusing large files, such as the bathymetry of a coastal area or object geometries for computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

Instead of uploading these large files repeatedly for every simulation, Inductiva now offers a way to upload files once and reuse them across multiple tasks. This not only saves time but also reduces costs.

Additionally, you can use the outputs of one task as inputs for another, enabling easy checkpointing and reducing unnecessary data transfers.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through:

  1. Uploading input files to a remote directory.

  2. Managing and maintaining remote files.

  3. Reusing task outputs in simulations.

We’ve also included an FAQ section to address common questions and help you get started quickly.

Upload Input Files to Remote Storage#

You can upload files from either a local directory or a remote URL.

From a Local Directory#

Use the upload method to upload files or directories from your local system. Set the local_path parameter to the file or directory path you want to upload:

From a Remote URL#

Use the upload_from_url method to upload files directly from a remote location. Set the url parameter to the remote file’s location:

The remote_dir parameter specifies where the files will be stored remotely.

Use the Uploaded Files in Simulations#

Once your files are uploaded, you can reference them in your simulations using the remote_assets parameter in the method.

Example with Gromacs Simulator

Key Details:

  • The remote_assets parameter specifies the remote storage location where the input files are stored. This must match one of the directories you set as remote_dir in previous step.

  • The input_dir parameter can still be used for local files. If no remote_assets are provided, the input files will be read from the local input_dir.

  • If both remote_assets and input_dir are provided, and files with the same name exist in both locations, the files from input_dir will take priority.

  • You only need to provide one of these parameters (remote_assets or input_dir).

Use Multiple Remote Inputs#

The remote_assets parameter accepts a list, allowing you to specify multiple remote files or directories:

import inductiva

machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup(

commands = [
    "gmx solvate -cs tip4p -box 2.3 -o conf.gro -p",
    ("gmx grompp -f energy_minimization.mdp -o min.tpr -pp -po min.mdp "
     "-c conf.gro -p"),
    "gmx mdrun -s min.tpr -o min.trr -c min.gro -e min.edr -g min.log",
    ("gmx grompp -f positions_decorrelation.mdp -o decorr.tpr -pp "
     "-po decorr.mdp -c min.gro"),
    ("gmx mdrun -s decorr.tpr -o decorr.trr -x  -c decorr.gro -e decorr.edr "
     "-g decorr.log"),
    ("gmx grompp -f simulation.mdp -o eql.tpr -pp -po eql.mdp "
     "-c decorr.gro"),
    ("gmx mdrun -s eql.tpr -o eql.trr -x trajectory.xtc -c eql.gro -e eql.edr "
     "-g eql.log"),

gromacs = inductiva.simulators.GROMACS()

task =

Maintain and Manage Remote Files#

You can list, clean, or manage your remote files directly through the Inductiva API or CLI.

List Remote Files#

  • In CLI: inductiva storage ls

  • With Python:

Remove Files or Directories#

  • Remove an entire directory:"gromacs_bucket")

  • Remove a single file from a remote directory:"gromacs_bucket/file1.txt")

Reuse Task Outputs in Simulations#

To reuse task outputs, simply include the task’s storage_path in the remote_assets parameter.

previous_task = inductiva.tasks.Task("<task_id>")
task =

You can also reference multiple tasks:

task =

All task output files are stored in the <task_id> path. For example, if you want to use the file from a specific task <task_id>, you need to update the path in your command as follows:

commands = [
    "gmx solvate -cs tip4p -box 2.3 -o conf.gro -p <task_id>/",


1. What file types can I upload?

Any file type can be uploaded and reused.

2. Where are my files stored in the remote storage?

Your files are stored in your personal area within Inductiva’s filesystem.

3. Can I upload multiple files at once?

Yes, but only when you upload a local directory using

4. What happens if I try to upload a file to a remote directory that already contains a file with the same name?

Inductiva will show an error. You need to remove the existing file before uploading the new one.

5. Can I use files from different remote directories in a single task?

Yes, you can specify multiple remote files and directories in the remote_assets parameter.

6. How do I confirm that my upload was successful?

You can use in Python or inductiva storage ls in the CLI to check the contents of your remote directory.

7. Can I upload a zip file?

Yes, you can upload zip files, but they won’t be automatically unzipped. We’re working on adding this feature in the future.

8. I need to change one file in a directory I uploaded. Do I need to re-upload the entire directory?

*No, you don’t have to re-upload everything. Simply remove the specific file using and upload the updated version. Alternatively, you can overwrite the file by uploading it via input_dir. Refer to question 10.

9. Can I track the progress of my file upload?

Yes. If you’re uploading from your local system, a progress bar will appear. For remote uploads, you can use or inductiva storage ls to check progress.

10. What happens if files in input_dir and remote_assets have the same name?

Files in input_dir will take priority and overwrite files with the same name in remote_assets. This ensures that locally provided files always override remote files.


task =

If object.obj exists in both local_folder and remote_folder, the simulation will use the file from local_folder.

11. What happens if I remove or update a remote directory while it’s being used by a task?

Once the task starts, the remote assets are copied to the task. Any changes won’t affect the ongoing simulation.

12. Does using remote assets improve task performance?

Yes, reusing remote assets reduces the need to upload large files repeatedly, cutting down task startup time.

13. Can I use remote files directly in remote_assets without uploading them first?

Not yet, but we’re planning to add this feature soon.

14. Can I reuse a single file from another task output?

Yes, just add the storage_path of the task to the remote_assets list to reuse the output file.