Run Multiple Simulations in Parallel#

Running multiple simulations in parallel can significantly reduce waiting times, especially useful when exploring various parameter values or running a large number of simulations for a sensitivity analysis. This how-to guide will walk you through using Machine Groups to run several simulations in parallel, using the templating mechanism integrated within the Inductiva API. This approach makes it easy to explore variations of a base simulation scenario. As a practical example, we will use a coastal dynamics simulation with the SWASH simulator.

1. Setting Up Your Machine Group#

First, create a MachineGroup to run your simulations in parallel:

import inductiva

# Instantiate a MachineGroup object with 5 preemptible machines of type
# c2-standard-30 and start it immediately
could_machine = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup(

2. Preparing Simulation Inputs#

Download and prepare the input files for your simulations:

# Download input files for the SWASH simulation
template_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(

3. Running the Simulations#

Define the variations for your simulation - here, different water levels — and launch the simulations:

# Initialize the SWASH simulator
swash = inductiva.simulators.SWASH()

# Define different water levels to explore
water_levels_list = [3.5, 3.75, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0]

# Launch multiple simulations for each water level
for i, water_level in enumerate(water_levels_list):
    target_dir = f"./inductiva_input/swash-sim-{i}"  

    # Run the simulation on the dedicated MachineGroup
    task =

4. Monitoring Simulations#

The template mechanism will allow you to explore 5 different variations of the simulation, each with a different water level. The simulations will be submitted to our dedicated machine group and will run in parallel.

You can check the status of these simulations through the Inductiva CLI, and you’ll see that it took only 1 minute from the moment they were submitted until they start running:

$ inductiva tasks list

    ID                         Simulator    Status    Submitted         Started           Computation Time    Resource Type

    57mr4kas99jxb9titkeackano  swash        started   01 Feb, 09:07:19  01 Feb, 09:08:03  *0:03:12            c2-standard-30
    ox8718m0pwfi02zczui3qky4w  swash        started   01 Feb, 09:07:17  01 Feb, 09:08:02  *0:03:14            c2-standard-30
    mak1ji62s7axf7mespkc36g7e  swash        started   01 Feb, 09:07:15  01 Feb, 09:08:03  *0:03:14            c2-standard-30
    ijyu8bkvme7vg9k0kj6v23gxa  swash        started   01 Feb, 09:07:14  01 Feb, 09:08:02  *0:03:16            c2-standard-30
    g5qq5c9mk2nr5wqhzef38sdm4  swash        started   01 Feb, 09:07:12  01 Feb, 009:08:01  *0:03:17            c2-standard-30

Running simulations in parallel significantly optimizes the use of computational resources. In our example, all five simulations start in parallel and complete in 9 minutes and 55 seconds, roughly the time it would take to run one single simulation!


After completing the simulations, remember to release your computational resources to avoid unnecessary charges!

# Terminate all computational resources
$ inductiva resources terminate --all