In this guide, we will walk you through setting up and running OpenFOAM simulations using the Inductiva API.

We will cover:

  • Configuring OpenFOAM simulations with the appropriate input directories.

  • Example codes to help you get started with simulations.

  • An advanced example for running MB9 Micro-benchmark by ExaFOAM.


OpenFOAM is a Finite Volume method for CFD simulations with a wide range of applications across several areas of engineering and science. It offers a broad set of features for everything from complex fluid flows (including chemical reactions, turbulence, and heat transfer) to solid dynamics and electromagnetics.

There are two main open-source distributions of OpenFOAM: one developed by the OpenFOAM foundation and another by the ESI Group. The Inductiva API supports both, and you can select your preferred distribution by setting the distribution parameter when initializing the simulator. By default, it uses the OpenFOAM Foundation version.

A single simulation via the Inductiva API follows several steps in OpenFOAM, including domain partitioning, meshing, solving, and post-processing. To configure a simulation for OpenFOAM, you’ll need a set of configuration files organized into three folders:

  • time: Contains files for particular fields, like initial values and boundary conditions that you must specify. For example, initial conditions at t=0 are stored in the 0 directory.

  • constant: Contains files that describe the objects in the simulation and the physical properties being modeled.

  • system: Contains files that describe the simulation, including solvers, numerical parameters, and output files.

It must contain at least 3 files: controlDict: Run control parameters (start/end time, time step, and parameters for data output) fvSchemes: Selection of discretization schemes used during the solution. fvSolution: Equation solvers, tolerances and other algorithm controls.

All of these folders should be placed inside an input directory. To run a simulation, you need to configure a list of dictionaries that specify the commands to be executed on the backend.

Below is an example of how to run the motorbike tutorial from OpenFOAM, demonstrating how this process works in practice.

The commands passed to the simulator follow OpenFOAM’s structure. Using the runApplication prefix will execute commands sequentially, while runParallel will use all available CPU cores automatically—no need to manually set the number of processes. The decomposeParDict is configured automatically and currently, only the scotch decomposition method is supported.

Example Code - OpenFOAM Foundation Distribution#

In this example, we demonstrate how to run the motorbike tutorial tutorial using the OpenFOAM Foundation distribution.

"""OpenFOAM Foundation example."""
import inductiva

# Instantiate machine group
machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup("c2-standard-4")

# Set simulation input directory
input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(

# Set the simulation commands
commands = [
    "runApplication surfaceFeatures", "runApplication blockMesh",
    "runApplication decomposePar -copyZero",
    "runParallel snappyHexMesh -overwrite", "runParallel potentialFoam",
    "runParallel simpleFoam", "runApplication reconstructParMesh -constant",
    "runApplication reconstructPar -latestTime"

# Initialize the Simulator
openfoam = inductiva.simulators.OpenFOAM(distribution="foundation")

# Run simulation with config files in the input directory
task =,



Example Code - ESI Distribution#

To run the sample simulation above, simply download the file, select the correct distribution by using inductiva.simulators.OpenFOAM(distribution="esi"), and replace
runApplication surfaceFeatures with runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract.

Advanced Tutorial: Running the MB9 Micro-benchmark from ExaFOAM#

This guide walks you through running a complex OpenFOAM simulation using the MB9 micro-benchmark from ExaFOAM. This benchmark simulates a high-lift aircraft configuration, ideal for studying near-wall turbulence using wall-modeled Large Eddy Simulation (WMLES).


We’ll run this simulation on:

  1. Single 360 vCPU Machine.

  2. MPI Cluster using two 360 vCPU machines to improve performance.


  1. Download Input Files: Get the input files from the repository and place them in a folder named highLiftConfiguration.

    Directory Structure:

    ls -lasgo highLiftConfiguration
    total 104
    0 drwxrwxr-x@ 14     448 Sep 23 11:44 .
    0 drwx------@ 19     608 Sep 23 11:49 ..
    0 drwxrwxr-x@ 12     384 Sep 20 09:43 0.orig
    8 -rwxr-xr-x@  1     626 Jun 13 10:09 Allclean
    16 -rwxr-xr-x@  1    6998 Jun 13 10:09 Allrun
    8 -rw-rw-r--@  1     991 Jun 13 10:09 COPYING
    48 -rw-rw-r--@  1   21547 Jun 13 10:09
    0 -rw-rw-r--@  1       0 Jun 13 10:09 case.foam
    0 drwxrwxr-x@  6     192 Sep 20 09:43 constant
    0 drwxrwxr-x@ 13     416 Jun 13 10:09 figures
    0 drwxrwxr-x@ 28     896 Sep 20 09:43 system
    24 -rw-rw-r--@  1   11399 Jun 13 10:09 thumbnail.png


Here’s the code you’ll be working on as we progress through the tutorial. Don’t worry if it doesn’t all make sense right now; everything will become clearer in the upcoming steps.

import inductiva

machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup(

input_dir = "/path/to/highLiftConfiguration"
with open(os.path.join(input_dir,'commands.txt'), 'r') as file:
    commands = [line.strip() for line in file]

#Choose your simulator
openfoam = inductiva.simulators.OpenFOAM(distribution="esi")

task =



Step 1: Adjust Simulation Parameters#

For a faster simulation, modify the following parameters in the case definition file (system/include/caseDefinition):

  • Time Step (dt): Set to 0.00002.

  • Start Time (initTime): 0.10

  • End Time (finalTime): 0.30

Step 2: Create Commands File#

For now, we only allow the user to send a list of specific commands to the simulator. This commands are runApplication and runParallel.

Due to this limitation,we need to “translate” the Allrun file into a list of commands that can be sent to the simulator.

Another important point is that the Allrun file contains a lot of cd commands, which are not supported by the simulator. As a workaround, we can replace the cd commands with runApplication followed by cd (the same applies to mv and other commands).

As an example, the Allrun file contains the following commands:

snappyHexMesh -dict system/snappyHexMeshDict.refineblockMesh -overwrite > ${LOGDIR}/log.M02.snappyHexMesh.refineblockMesh 2>&1 || exit 1
mv ./0/cellLevel ./constant/polyMesh/
mv ./0/pointLevel ./constant/polyMesh/

Those commands can be translated into the following:

runApplication snappyHexMesh -dict system/snappyHexMeshDict.refineblockMesh -overwrite
runApplication mv ./0/cellLevel ./constant/polyMesh/
runApplication mv ./0/pointLevel ./constant/polyMesh/

Since we only allow a list of commands all if statements in the Allrun file should be removed. And a clear line of execution should be defined.

if condition ; then
    runApplication command1
    runApplication command2
    runApplication command3
    runApplication command4

Should be translated to:

  • If we want to simulate the if condition

runApplication command1
runApplication command2
  • If we want to simulate the else condition

runApplication command3
runApplication command4

In the end, the Allrun file should be translated into a list of commands that should be placed into a file named commands.txt.

Said file should contain the following commands:

runApplication cp system/controlDict.SHM system/controlDict
runApplication cp system/fvSchemes.SHM system/fvSchemes
runApplication cp system/fvSolution.SHM system/fvSolution
runApplication blockMesh
runApplication blockMesh
runApplication snappyHexMesh -dict system/snappyHexMeshDict.refineblockMesh -overwrite
runApplication mv ./0/cellLevel ./constant/polyMesh/
runApplication mv ./0/pointLevel ./constant/polyMesh/
runApplication rm -r 0
runApplication checkMesh
runApplication extrudeMesh -dict system/extrudeMeshDict.refineblockMesh
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/cellLevel
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/cellZones
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/pointLevel
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/pointZones
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/faceZones
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/level0Edge
runApplication rm constant/polyMesh/surfaceIndex
runApplication sed -i s/"ff_zMin"/"ff_SAVE"/g constant/polyMesh/boundary
runApplication sed -i s/"ff_zMax"/"ff_zMin"/g constant/polyMesh/boundary
runApplication sed -i s/"ff_SAVE"/"ff_zMax"/g constant/polyMesh/boundary
runApplication checkMesh
runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract
runApplication decomposePar -decomposeParDict system/decomposeParDict.SHM
runParallel snappyHexMesh -decomposeParDict system/decomposeParDict.SHM -dict system/snappyHexMeshDict -overwrite
runParallel checkMesh -decomposeParDict system/decomposeParDict.SHM -latestTime -meshQuality
runApplication reconstructParMesh -mergeTol 1e-08 -constant -latestTime
runApplication cp -r constant/polyMesh constant/polyMesh.origHalf
runApplication  mirrorMesh -overwrite
runApplication topoSet -dict system/topoSetDict.faces.ff_zMin
runApplication createPatch -overwrite -dict system/createPatchDict.mirrorMesh
runApplication changeDictionary -constant -dict system/changeDictionaryDict.cyclicPatches -enableFunctionEntries
runApplication topoSet -dict system/topoSetDict.faces.cyclic
runApplication checkMesh -constant
runApplication rm -r processor*
runApplication rm -r constant/polyMesh.origHalf
runApplication cp -r 0.orig 0
runApplication cd system
runApplication cp system/controlDict.SHM system/controlDict
runApplication cp system/fvSchemes.SHM system/fvSchemes
runApplication cp system/fvSolution.SHM system/fvSolution
runApplication decomposePar
runParallel renumberMesh -overwrite
runApplication cp system/controlDict.SRS.init system/controlDict
runApplication cp system/fvSolution.SRS system/fvSolution
runApplication cp system/fvSchemes.SRS system/fvSchemes
runParallel applyBoundaryLayer -ybl 0.1
runApplication cp system/controlDict.SRS.init system/controlDict
runApplication cp system/fvSolution.SRS system/fvSolution
runApplication cp system/fvSchemes.SRS system/fvSchemes
runParallel rhoPimpleFoam
runApplication cp system/controlDict.SRS.avg system/controlDict
runApplication cp system/fvSolution.SRS system/fvSolution
runApplication cp system/fvSchemes.SRS system/fvSchemes
runParallel rhoPimpleFoam
runParallel postProcess -func sampleDict.surface.SRS -latestTime

Step 3: Running the Simulation#

a. Configure and Start Machine#

  1. Pick your machine:

    import inductiva
    machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup(machine_type="c3d-highcpu-360", spot=True)

    Note: spot machines are a lot cheaper but can be terminated by the provider if needed.

  2. Start your machine


b. Simulation inputs#

  1. Specify Simulation Directory: Let’s start by defining a variable that points to the highLiftConfiguration folder where all your simulation files are located.

    input_dir = "/path/to/highLiftConfiguration"
  2. Read Commands: Now, let’s read the commands.txt created in Step 2.

    with open(os.path.join(input_dir,'commands.txt'), 'r') as file:
        commands = [line.strip() for line in file]

We now have commands with a list of commands where each element of that list is a command.

c. Run your simulation#

  1. Run the simulation: We now have all we need to run our simulation.

    #Choose your simulator
    openfoam = inductiva.simulators.OpenFOAM(distribution="esi")
    task =

In this snippet, two arguments might need clarification:

  • n_vcpus: This sets the number of virtual CPUs (vCPUs) for your simulation, essentially determining how many parts your simulation will be split into to run in parallel. Here, we’re dividing the simulation into 180 parts and running each part simultaneously.

  • use_hwthread: This enables hyperthreading, which lets each CPU core handle two tasks at once instead of one. Setting this to True allows your simulation to use up to 360 vCPUs on the machine, even if we’re not utilizing all of them.

  1. Wait and Download Outputs: That is it. Our simulation is now running on the cloud. We can wait for the simulation to be over, or we can turn our computer off go for a coffe (☕️).

  2. Terminate Machine: Once our simulation is over we can/should terminate our machine to save on costs. If you forget, dont worry we got your back. By default, a machine will be automaticly terminated if no simulation runs on it for 30 minutes.

  3. Check your simulation summary: Now that our simulation has finished we can print a summary of said simulation. This includes information about the execution times, outputs generated and much more.


Step 4: Enhancing Performance with MPI Cluster#

As you have experienced, simulations can take a long, long time. To further reduce runtime we can change our machine configuration to a MPI cluster with two machines:

mpi_cluster = inductiva.resources.MPICluster(

# Re-run the simulation with adjusted `n_vcpus`
task =

As you can see the process of scalling up (or down) can be done easly by just picking a new resource. We encorage you to try other machines/configurations.

Note: spot machines are not supported for MPI clusters.


Running the simulation on a high-performance machine and scaling it on an MPI cluster can significantly reduce computation time. Download and analyze your results locally once complete.

Happy simulations!