In this guide, we will walk you through setting up and running XBeach using the Inductiva API.

We will cover:

  • Configuring XBeach simulations using the Inductiva API.

  • Example code to help you get started with simulations.

  • An advanced example (Galveston Island Beach and Dune Simulation)

  • Available benchmarks to test XBeach’s capabilities.


XBeach is a two-dimensional simulator used for modeling wave propagation, sediment transport, and morphological changes in the nearshore environment.

XBeach is configured using a params.txt file, which contains crucial details like the grid, bathymetry, wave input, and flow parameters. The absence of a params.txt file will prevent the simulator from running, so it is essential to ensure all necessary files are in place.

The configuration also involves using additional files like bed.dep for bathymetry and other files to further customize the simulation within params.txt.

We recommend setting the mpiboundary argument in the params.txt file to facilitate automatic parallelization based on the number of available CPU cores.

Example Code#

Below is an example of running a basic XBeach simulation via the Inductiva API:

"""XBeach example."""
import inductiva

# Instantiate machine group
machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup("c2-standard-4")

# Download example configuration files from Inductiva storage
input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(

# Initialize the Simulator
xbeach = inductiva.simulators.XBeach()

# Run simulation with configuration files in the input directory
task =,



Advanced Example: Galveston Island Simulation#

We are now going to run a much longer simulation, namely one whose configuration scripts and input data are made available via the GRIIDC, a data repository based out of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

More specifically, we will run one of simulations described in “XBeach model setup and results for beach and dune enhancement scenarios on Galveston Island, Texas”, which is made available here.

We will start by downloading the required input files. At the bottom of the dataset page you will find a widget for downloading indvidual files. We will need to download the contents of an entire directory. Using the widget, please select: Files >> XBeach_Model_Runs >> Beach_Nourish_Only >> Input.

Select all files inside the directory using the checkbox and click on the elipsis “⋮” to download them:

Select each of the files inside the Input folder

Move all files to a directory named “Beach_Nourish_Only” inside your Inductiva python project directory. Inside the “Beach_Nourish_Only” you should then have something like:

ls -las Beach_Nourish_Only 
total 130976
    0 drwxr-xr-x  12        384  5 Jun 16:13 .
    0 drwxr-xr-x   3         96  5 Jun 16:14 ..
    8 -rw-r--r--@  1       3069  5 Jun 16:12 README.txt
26184 -rw-r--r--@  1   13404906  5 Jun 16:12 bed.dep
26184 -rw-r--r--@  1   13404906  5 Jun 16:12 bedfricfile.txt
   16 -rw-r--r--@  1       5324  5 Jun 16:12 jonswap3.txt
26184 -rw-r--r--@  1   13404906  5 Jun 16:12 nebed.dep
    8 -rw-r--r--@  1       2281  5 Jun 16:12 params.txt
   16 -rw-r--r--@  1       4850  5 Jun 16:12 tide.txt
26184 -rw-r--r--@  1   13404906  5 Jun 16:12 x.grd
    8 -rw-r--r--@  1        635  5 Jun 16:12 xbeach.slurm
26184 -rw-r--r--@  1   13404906  5 Jun 16:12 y.grd

We are going to run this simulation, almost as it is, with only two small changes to the parametrization defined in params.txt. First, we will need to add an extra configuration parameter to account for the fact the API is already running XBeach v10+, but the original simulation configuration files where prepared for an older version of XBeach. So will need to add the following line to params.txt (you can add it right at the top, after the header):

single_dir = 0

Second, to reduce the time to complete this simulation, we will change the stop time of simulation, tstop, to just 34560 (10x less than original parametrization). Find the tstop parameter in params.txt and change the value to 34560.

That’s it! We won’t do any more changes. Let’s start the simulation. The python script we are going to use to trigger the simulation is:

import inductiva

machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup(

# Initialize the Simulator
xbeach = inductiva.simulators.XBeach()

# Run simulation with config files in the input directory
task =

# task.wait() is a blocking call and will only return when the simulation
# ends. However, you can close your terminal without interrupting the 
# simulation and use Inductiva CLI (Command Line Interface) tools to
# check the status of the simulation from another terminal.

# Terminate your dedicated MachineGroup at then end of the simulation.

# Let's get a small summary of the run.

There are a few of things you should notice in the script above:

  • We are not requesting the outputs of the simulation to be donwloaded to our local machine immediately after we run the simulation. That could be done by calling task.download_outputs() in this script right after task.wait(). Instead, we opted for just letting the simulation finish and turning off the machine we are using. We will download the outputs later, after checking the size of the output that will be automatically placed in our remote personal storage when the simulation ends.

  • Finally, we are calling task.print_summary() that shows the times spent at all stages of the run, including all auxiliary tasks, such as moving data around between your local computer, your personal remote storage space and the executer machine (i.e. the c3d-highcpu-90 VM.)

Running this script takes about 55 minutes and it should produce an output similar to the one below (note that the values shown for the quotas you have available may be different from the ones shown in this run):


Registering MachineGroup configurations:
> Name:         api-d4gzm10qxwvjus7mc58o4033o
> Machine Type: c3d-highcpu-90
> Data disk size:    20 GB
> Number of machines: 1
> Spot:               True
> Estimated cloud cost of machine group: 1.230 $/h
 >> You are spending 3.0x less by using spot machines.
Starting MachineGroup(name="api-d4gzm10qxwvjus7mc58o4033o"). This may take a few minutes.
Note that stopping this local process will not interrupt the creation of the machine group. Please wait...
Machine Group api-d4gzm10qxwvjus7mc58o4033o with c3d-highcpu-90 machines successfully started in 0:00:22.
The machine group is using the following quotas:

                      USED BY RESOURCE     CURRENT USAGE     MAX ALLOWED
 cost_per_hour        1.23045              1.23045           50
 total_num_machines   1                    1                 10
 total_num_vcpus      90                   90                500

Task Information:
> ID:                    9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo
> Method:                xbeach
> Local input directory: Beach_Nourish_Only
> Submitting to the following computational resources:
 >> Machine Group api-d4gzm10qxwvjus7mc58o4033o with c3d-highcpu-90 machines
Preparing upload of the local input directory Beach_Nourish_Only (67.04 MB).
Input archive size: 9.32 MB
Uploading input archive...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 9.32M/9.32M [00:01<00:00, 5.44MB/s]
Local input directory successfully uploaded.
Task 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo submitted to the queue of the Machine Group api-d4gzm10qxwvjus7mc58o4033o with c3d-highcpu-90 machines.
Number of tasks ahead in the queue: 0
Simulation metadata logged to: inductiva_output/task_metadata.json
Task 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo configurations metadata saved to the tasks metadata file task_metadata.json in the current working directory.
Consider tracking the status of the task via CLI:
	inductiva tasks list --id 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo
Or, tracking the logs of the task via CLI:
	inductiva logs 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo
Task 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo successfully queued and waiting to be picked-up for execution...
The task 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo is about to start.
Task 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo has started and is now running remotely.
Task 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo completed successfully.
Downloading stdout and stderr files to inductiva_output/9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo...
Partial download completed to inductiva_output/9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo.
Successfully requested termination of MachineGroup(name="api-d4gzm10qxwvjus7mc58o4033o").
Termination of the machine group freed the following quotas:

 cost_per_hour        1.23045               0                 50
 total_num_machines   1                     0                 10
 total_num_vcpus      90                    0                 500

Task status: success
Wall clock time:  0:52:41
Time breakdown:
	Input upload:              3.65 s
	Time in queue:             58.57 s
	Container image download:  1.64 s
	Input download:            0.19 s
	Input decompression:       0.21 s
	Computation:               0:51:13
	Output compression:        18.31 s
	Output upload:             6.12 s
	Size of zipped output:    390.13 MB
	Size of unzipped output:  668.23 MB
	Number of output files:   28

The summary is pretty handy to understand that almost 99% of the (wall clock) time is spent where is should be: on the computation stage, i.e. actually executing the simulation.

Note: As seen in the code above, we are using a machine with 90 vCPUs and, in the method run(), we are requesting the simulation to be parallelized over all of those 90 vCPU. In some cases, parallelizing the simulation over only half of the available vCPUs leads to better peformance. This is because the virtualization scheme of these VMs assigns two vCPU per underlying physical core. So, by setting n_vcpus to half the number of vCPUs we are implicitly assigning one thread per physical core, which, is many cases, is more efficient because there is less competition for cache, and less I/O contention. However, this is NOT the case for this specific simulation with XBeach. In fact, running the simulation on the same machine and setting n_vcpus=45 will make the computation about 35% slower.

Downloading simulation data#

Now, it is time to fecth the results. We will be downloading a zip file with 390MB of data (as shown in the summary). This can be done very conveniently using the CLI. So, from your command line run (with the appropriate task id that you can see above):

inductiva tasks download 9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo

Depending on the speed of your internet connection, donwloading thie files may take a few seconds or a few minutes:

Downloading simulation outputs to inductiva_output/9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo/
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 390M/390M [00:52<00:00, 7.48MB/s]
Uncompressing the outputs to inductiva_output/9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo...

If you now look under inductiva_output/9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo (please check the id of the task that you actually run on your terminal) inside your project directory you should see something like:

ls -las inductiva_output/9ob6gknv794pvazg5bzd4oczo
total 1309960
     0 drwxr-xr-x  29         928 19 Jun 11:41 .
     0 drwxr-xr-x  23         736 19 Jun 11:27 ..
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00001.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00002.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00003.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00004.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00005.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00006.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00007.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00008.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00009.bcf
 35224 -rw-r--r--   1    18033840 19 Jun 11:41 E_series00010.bcf
   216 -rw-r--r--   1      109588 19 Jun 11:41 XBlog.txt
     8 -rw-r--r--   1        1227 19 Jun 11:41 XBwarning.txt
     8 -rw-r--r--   1         860 19 Jun 11:41 ebcflist.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00001.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00002.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00003.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00004.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00005.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00006.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00007.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00008.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00009.bcf
 14096 -rw-r--r--   1     7213536 19 Jun 11:41 q_series00010.bcf
     8 -rw-r--r--   1         860 19 Jun 11:41 qbcflist.bcf
     8 -rw-r--r--   1        1370 19 Jun 11:41 stderr.txt
   256 -rw-r--r--   1      109975 19 Jun 11:41 stdout.txt
816256 -rw-r--r--   1   415526280 19 Jun 11:41

that contains all the files produced by XBeach, as well as two additional log files that the Inductiva API always captures: stdout.txt and stderr.txt. Now that you have your files locally, you can execute all sorts of post-processing steps on them, as you would if you had run your simulations locally.

That’s it! You can now go bigger! You can start by trying to run the complete simulation (the original parameter is tstop = 345600) on an even faster machine such as a c3d-highcpu-180!

Good luck!

Available Benchmarks for XBeach#

To better understand how you can optimize your XBeach runs, check out our benchmark:

  • Cova Gala Beach Simulation: This benchmark demonstrates XBeach’s performance across different hardware configurations for simulating coastal erosion at Cova Gala Beach in Portugal, an area known for high erosion rates.