In this guide, we will walk you through setting up and running SWAN simulations using the Inductiva API.

We will cover:

  • Configuring SWAN simulations using the Inductiva API.

  • Example code to help you get started with simulations.

  • Available benchmarks to test SWAN’s capabilities.

SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore)#

SWAN is a simulator used to obtain realistic estimates of wave parameters in coastal areas, lakes, and estuaries based on wind, sea floor, and current conditions. SWAN is widely applied in coastal engineering, environmental assessments, and maritime safety studies.

The SWAN simulator is typically configured using a single .swn file, along with additional files that define the domain, sea floor, and input conditions. These files should be organized in an input directory, which will be passed to the simulator.

Available Commands#

For this simulator, we provide the command argument, which specifies the executable to run. The available commands are:

  • swanrun: This is the default command when no specific command is provided. It typically generates debug files for your simulation. However, swanrun does not support MPI clusters, limiting its use to a single machine.

  • swan.exe: This command is compatible with MPI clusters, allowing simulations to run across multiple machines. However, it may sometimes fail when generating debug files.

Recommendation: For simulations on a single machine, we recommend using swanrun. If you need to run simulations on an MPI cluster, use swan.exe.

Note: swanrun expects the simulation file in the file.swn format, while swan.exe expects the simulation file with the name INPUT.

Example Code#

Below is an example of running a SWAN simulation via the Inductiva API:

"""SWAN example."""
import inductiva

# Instantiate machine group
machine_group = inductiva.resources.MachineGroup("c2-standard-4")

# Set simulation input directory
input_dir = inductiva.utils.files.download_from_url(
    "", True)

# Initialize the Simulator
swan = inductiva.simulators.SWAN()

# Run simulation with config files in the input directory
# Uses swanrun by default
task =,

# Uses swanrun
# task =,
#                 sim_config_filename="a11refr.swn",
#                 command="swanrun",
#                 on=machine_group)

# Uses swan.exe. Note: the simulation file must be called INPUT
# task =,
#                 command="swan.exe",
#                 on=machine_group)

# Wait for the simulation to finish and download the results



SWAN limitation with reused files across multiple simulations#

With respect to this feature.

SWAN has constraints when reusing simulation outputs as inputs for subsequent simulations. Currently, SWAN supports using only a single simulation output as input for a new simulation.

The issue stems from the inability to merge outputs from multiple simulations into a single folder. SWAN requires all simulation files to reside in the execution folder. For instance, if you have simulation outputs in folders A and B, running SWAN in folder A will only use the files in A, ignoring those in B.

For more detailed information on SWAN configuration, refer to the official documentation.

Available Benchmarks for SWAN#

The following benchmark is available to test SWAN:

  • Ring: This example simulates wave propagation and interaction in a circular domain, based on the official SWAN documentation.